
Showing posts from June, 2023

A 35 years old male patient carpenter by occupation is a resident of suryapet came to medical OPD with complaints of pain in the abdomen And Dyspnea

  A 35 years old male patient carpenter by occupation is a resident of suryapet came to medical OPD with complaints of pain in the abdomen And Dyspnea.  CHEIF COMPLAINTS: Pain in the abdomen since 3 months Occasional palpitations since 3 months shortness of breath since 1 month Generalized weakness since 10 days.  History of presenting illness: patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago then he Started developing palpitaions which were not associated with chest pain which is reduced on drinking alcohol. There is SOB which is of GRADE - 2 Without association of orthopnea and PND Pain is sudden  in onset, non radiating , no aggregating on consumption of food or during an activity, no relieving factors.  PAST ILLNESS: generalized weakness since 10 days Constipation is present  No HISTORY of: Fever burning micturation Blood transfusions No allegies TB ASTHMA BP DM HTN THYROID DISORDERS PERSONAL HISTORY : Appitite normal Bowel movements: abnormal Bladder movements: normal No allergies

82 year old female with B/l lower limb weakness and pedal edema.

  82 year old female with B/l lower limb weakness and pedal edema. on  June 21, 2023 This is an online elog documenting de-identified patient health data after taking his signed consent to enforce a greater patient centered learning.  DEIDENTIFICATION -  The privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed through out the piece of work whatsoever. CASE DISCUSSION - 82 year old female patient came with C/O weakness of lower limb, Neck and shoulder pain since along with pedal oedema and fever since 10 days. HOPI - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back then she developed weakness of the lower limbs, sudden in onset, non-progressive.  Also, C/O fever since 10 days low-grade not associated with chills and rigours, continuous, relieved on medication. C/O pedal oedema since 10 days, pitting type, from ankle to knee. No C/o chest pain, palpitations, cough, cold, LOC PAST HISTORY- K/c/o of HTN since 10 years(On medication- Telma 40mg) Not a k/c/o D

A 64 years old male patient barber by occupation came to casuality with chief complaints of shortness of breath and pain in abdomen

A 64 years old male patient barber by occupation came to casuality with chief complaints of  shortness of breath and pain in abdomen  History of presenting illness:: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back and then he developed shortness of breath incidious onset and gradually progressive  No c/o chest pain,Palpations C/o fever for 3-4days ,high grade, evening rise of temperature associated with chills and rigor Since  one month  patient complaints of breathlessness (grade 3) insidious in onset gradually progressive aggrevated on walking and no seasonal variation.  Past History:: Decreased urine output since 6 months  c/o pain abdomen on left lumbar region since 1 week  patient is a known case of HTN since 10 years for which he is on medication (olmosetron tab) Not a known case of DM,TB,ASTHMA  Personal history: Apettite -decreased Diet- mixed Bladder- decreased Bowel -abnormal ##Addictions -  Tobacco chewing-stopped 3 yrs back Alchol-stopped 1yr ago Family history:  No signif

A 75 year old man who is a farmer by occupation from Villamla presented to the OPD with complaints of pain and edema in the right ankle and foot came to OPD

  Hello everyone. I am V Meghashyam , a third professional MBBS students at kamineni.  This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts intending to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs CHIEF COMPLAINTS A 75 year old man who is a farmer by occupation from Villamla presented to the OPD with complaints of pain and edema in the right ankle and foot which gradually progresses upward towards the groin. He also complaints of immobility in the foot.  HISTORY OF PRESENTING illness The patient developed the same situation 2 years back when a thorn pricked him on the medial side of his left leg and led to an infection.on visiting a local RMP, he was put on medication and the site was properly cleaned with warm water.